The vast majority of these workers (83%) say they were working from home even before the omicron variant started to spread in the United States, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. This marks a decline from October 2020, when 71% of those with jobs that could be done from home were working from home all or most of the time, but it’s still much higher than the 23% who say they teleworked frequently before the coronavirus outbreak. When it comes to work-life balance, a crucial aspect of employee well-being, remote work seems to be making a positive impact. Seventy-one percent of remote workers stated that remote work helps balance their work and personal life [9].

More Americans have two jobs or more, a sign of inflation’s burden – USA TODAY

More Americans have two jobs or more, a sign of inflation’s burden.

Posted: Fri, 03 Nov 2023 20:45:11 GMT [source]

US workers ill with influenza or COVID-19 were less likely to work onsite than those with other acute respiratory infections (ARIs) after the pandemic than before, concludes a study led by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers. Becca Cosani took a new job as a health insurance consultant when her oldest daughter, Emilia, now 3, was a baby. She called it a “scary move” because of the constant travel that consulting requires, with a baby and a husband whose business, engine rebuilding, can’t be run from home. The share of women working has reached a record high, with the biggest increases among mothers of children under 5.

St. George siblings killed on same street within 48 hours

A mere 13 percent of employed respondents say they could work remotely at least some of the time but opt not to. WFH has become a new norm for many employees since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Employees from different demographic groups, those with different experiences, and those with different work natures have had various responses to WFH. Some employees have quickly adapted to this new norm, while some are still struggling. Meanwhile, their ongoing experiences with WFH will further shape their WFH decisions after the pandemic. The question of how various factors will shape WFH patterns in the future remains unanswered.

remote work statistics before and after covid

As shown by Dingel and Neiman, higher-income workers are more likely to work from home and less likely to be unable to work during a crisis — and this disparity has remained during Covid-19. On the other hand, companies that facilitate the observance of social-distancing rules have seen an increase in demand. Edtech giant Coursera is expanding its collaboration with universities, while the popularity of Zoom skyrocketed until new collaboration apps emerged or existing ones, such as Microsoft Teams, improved. Grocery delivery apps are also on the rise, with Instacart benefiting from a 150% increase in demand. According to these numbers, it would seem that some businesses were hoping the crisis would blow over within weeks.

Trends in Remote Work: Will We Still Work from Home After the Pandemic?

In the 2000 census, nearly 4.2 million, or 3.2% of American workers, labored where they lived. Since then, the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates document a continuous rise. By 2020, over 11 million people, or 7.3% of the U.S. labor force, reported their primary job was mostly performed at home. The 2021 ACS one-year estimate was 27.6 million people primarily working from home nationwide, or 17.9% of employees. Julia Keintz took a job leading analytics at Zillow two years ago, when her children were 6 months and 11. One of the reasons she wanted the job, she said, was that since the pandemic, Zillow has allowed employees to live where they want and work flexible schedules.

  • Remote work may also put a dent in business travel as its extensive use of videoconferencing during the pandemic has ushered in a new acceptance of virtual meetings and other aspects of work.
  • Likewise, such a world implies a different calculus for where Americans will live and what types of homes they will occupy.
  • Surprisingly, only 33 percent of respondents stated that they had the necessary remote collaboration tools to ensure the entire team is aligned on the process.
  • In the highest two brackets, those skills account for less than 20 percent of time spent.

Although pre-pandemic time use data show average full-time workers spent more time alone when they teleworked, which led to an increase in loneliness for some, recent ACS demographics imply that homeworkers are not especially isolated. In fact, 27% of teleworkers lived in two-person households, compared to 33% of non-teleworkers. Teleworkers are more likely to be married (60%) compared to non-teleworkers (51%), but are about as likely to have children (42% vs. 40%). Forty percent of the married households and 38% of the households with children teleworked.

of workers would look for a new job if their current company didn’t allow remote work

“I do software development, so the work wasn’t difficult to switch over to working from home. It is mainly the self-discipline to not step away from the computer and do something else and the fact how I’m sat at the computer for the entire day rarely leaving my room for both work and out of work hours”. This indicates it is easier to manage work-life balance when working away from home and enhances time management. When respondents were asked whether they felt working from home achieved the same outcomes as working onsite 41.5% indicated that they felt that working from home will often, 27.8% sometimes and 13.7% always achieve the same outcomes. Whilst 8.5% felt rarely and 6.1% felt it never achieves the same outcomes whilst 2.4% of respondents didn’t know. This indicates that the general consensus was that the respondents felt that it would be feasible to continue.